This will be the last season that the Gardeners Bowling Clubs will have JOHN URMSTON AND KEITH WRIGHT as Greenkeepers, both have had to resign because of family health problems, the decision to resign is ABSOLUTELY the correct decision, families HAVE to come first and in both cases their families need them more than the bowling club.
On behalf of the Bridgers, i would like to say a MASSIVE THANKYOU to both of them for their unstinting service to our community, for many years the Gardeners bowling green has been in amazing condition and probably the best green for many miles around.
John has also worked with the Bridgers on many of our projects, and, has maintained the gardens at St Richard`s Church, Atherton, his immense contribution to both of these groups will be missed.
We wish them and their families ALL THE VERY BEST for the future and our prayers and thoughts are with them all.
With regard to the future, I can assure everyone that the Gardeners Bowling Club WILL DEFINITELY be here and active in 2022, there have been a few problems recently but the Bowling Club have decided that irrespective of everything that has happened the club is a COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT GROUP that isn`t reliant on ANY OTHER PEOPLE and will be fully operational next year, can`t wait, hope i am still available ??????
Now up and running as a fully constituted Community Bowling Club with elected officials and rules.
President, Mr Ray Rushworth
Secretary Mr Roy Gibbons
Treasurer Mr Brian Price
Bowling Coaches, { DBS Accredited } Mr Tony Battersby, Mr Mike Parker, Mr James Glover, Tamar Bowling Club & Community Green
Now up to 82 Members and growing
Apparently the bowling club lease expires in November and the landowners have informed the club that the lease will NOT be offered for renewal, this means that the bowling club will be " HOMELESS " from November.
Several options are being looked at and hopefully one will be found to ensure that the TAMAR BOWLING CLUB can continue under its own name at another bowling venue.