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  • Writer's pictureterrydaly1


Updated: Aug 2, 2023

2023 has brought quite a few changes to COLLIERS CORNER with even more changes and improvements planned for the end of 2023 and into 2024.

The major problem on the corner is " JAPANESE KNOTWEED " we have been in consultation with the several organisations / companies who are responsible for the eradication of the Knotweed for a few years and finally some action has been taken, the Knotweed on the Colliers Corner side of the stream has been given a first spray to kill the Knotweed, but, i understand that it will take several application to be effective, BUT, as far as we know, only one side of the stream has been treated, i hope not because that would be a complete waste of time considering the way that Knotweed can spread, does any one know any different, would love to be wrong ??

Our new Willow Horse sculpture { designed and created by GINGERCAT WILLOW COMPANY, WILMSLOW, CHESHIRE is now ready and will be installed within the next few weeks.

We have been assured by WIGAN MBC that FLOODLIGHTING will be installed to illuminate the MINING SCULPTURE on the corner, this should be ready in time for Winter. We have already raised the money to cover the cost of this improvement.

We were awarded another GREEN FLAG for the corner, this is the fourteenth consecutive year that we have been honoured by this award.

Judging took place for the NORTHWEST IN BLOOM AWARDS in early July and we are quietly confident that our results, which will be published on October 17th, will be good, the corner looked and still looks amazing,

Indigenous wild flowers have started to show in the " NO MOW " areas of the corner which is promising for 2024.

There is a small area within the no-mow area that has been cleared by Frank May to create a very special " Wild Garden " it looks amazing. WELL DONE FRANK.



At present we have a few metal sculptures of BIRDS on trees around Colliers Corner, AND, plans are in place to increase the number of Birds and also to introduce other sculptured animals to be sited around the corner, they create an extra attraction for families to take advantage of when using the corner for leisure purposes.

Plans are in place to replace the tired looking Heron Willow sculpture, if not this year then certainly early 2024, we have raised the cost of this by fundraising.

The Multi Stemmed Rowan tree from our late Queen`s Green Canopy that was created to celebrate the Queen`s Platinum Jubilee is now flourishing and is an excellent asset to the corner.

Another excellent asset to the corner is our new " Chilean Pine Monkey Puzzle Tree " that was donated by Martin Winstanley in 2022, it looks quite at home on the corner, Thanks Martin.

ALL of the Seating and ALL of the plant boxes & conatiners have been painted and look brilliant.

ALL tree surrounds have been cleared and bark put in place to protect the boles of the trees.

At present we share one of our Lawn Mowers with the Gardeners Bowling Club and although the mower was bought with funding acquired by The Bridgers, this is an arrangement that we want to continue, BUT, it is hoped that for 2024 we will have saved enough money to buy another decent mower equivalent to our John Deere Self Propelled Mulching Mower, All we have to do is to be very Frugal for the next six months to find about £750.00 pounds to pay for a mower, unless of course we can find a very generous benefactor to donate this amount ??

We are quite well stocked with the other type of tools that we need to continue with what we do regarding maintenance & improvements, any replacements can be paid for because of the incredible success of our Plant Sale Fundraising.

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